On November 3, 2021, the Legalizace magazine and its editor-in-chief, Robert Veverka, were convicted of inciting and promoting “toxicomania” by the district court in the town of Bruntál. The editor-in-chief, ...
16. November 2021 / adminThe Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic has supported and will debate a bill put forward by Pirate Party Deputy, Tomáš Vymazal, regarding regulation measures ...
29. May 2020 / Bohumil SazinkaFollowing last year’s unanimous legalization of medical cannabis (166–0 in Parliament), the Thai government immediately invested in the medical cannabis education, research and cultivation, becoming the number one ...
16. December 2019 / Bohumil SazinkaThe first company in New Zealand to receive a medical cannabis cultivation license, Hikurangi Cannabis, is allowing individuals with past drug offenses to be able to be part of ...
26. October 2019 / Bohumil SazinkaPRESS RELEASE For the first time since cannabis was included in the Single Convention drug treaty, the scheduling status of cannabis within International law is being updated. The World Health ...
1. February 2019 / Bohumil SazinkaMagazine about medical uses of cannabis. For patients, health professionals as well as general public. Free of charge.
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